Guest Column | April 2, 2009

Track-And-Trace Transforms How Manufacturers Think About The Supply Chain

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Guest Column: Track-And-Trace Transforms How Manufacturers Think About The Supply Chain

By Andre Pino, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, Acsis, Inc.

Pressures to comply with government and private sector regulations have driven RFID (radio frequency identification) adoption among manufacturers. While state- and retailer-generated regulations lack the ability to fully streamline supply chains, many industries are looking to the federal government to set national standards with the ultimate goal of a safe, secure, and efficient global supply chain. As ultimate actions remain inconclusive, manufacturers have turned their attention to deriving business value from RFID implementations integrated with serialization solutions that provide a deeper, more granular, layer of visibility and tracking within the supply chain. Here are two examples of how companies are leveraging RFID and track-and-trace to drive efficiency and strengthen business.

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Guest Column: Track-And-Trace Transforms How Manufacturers Think About The Supply Chain

Used with permission from Integrated Solutions magazine.