SPEDE Technologies RFID Shipping Solution
Product Sheet: RFID Shipping
When RFID technology is combined with
well-designed business processes and intelligent
application software, such as the SPEDE® Material
Control System, you can achieve 100% correct
customer shipments.
The SPEDE System (speedy) with integrated RFID provides real-time control over the trailer loading process, to prevent errors in customer orders due to:
- short shipments
- over shipments
- shipping the wrong material
SPEDE not only provides RFID compliance labeling, but enables you to leverage your RFID investment to control and streamline internal processes. For example, during trailer loading, your RFID-labeled shipments can be automatically read by mobile or fixed-mount RFID readers, and verified for accuracy to prevent shipping errors. This not only ensures that customer orders are correct, but increases efficiency by eliminating manual scanning, and manual data entry of ASNs and ship transactions.

Product Sheet: RFID Shipping
Product Sheet: Material Control System
Product Brochure: Crane Locator System
Interview: RFID Wireless Technology
White Paper: Return On Compliance