
RedPrairie Warehouse Management Solutions

Source: RedPrairie
RedPrairie's WMS applications provide highly configurable solutions for optimizing distribution operations globally from supplier to customer. You can source orders from any location or supplier for least cost, best service fulfillment and gain visibility and control over all yard operations for timely, seamless, secure distribution operations.

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Product Sheet: Warehouse Management Solutions

Optimizing every move across your supply network

From before an inbound shipment enters your gate until after an outbound shipment leaves, RedPrairie's Warehouse Management solution optimizes every move – from raw materials to finished goods, and the people who move them – enabling agile, efficient and lean distribution operations that deliver the perfect order. That means lower distribution costs and happier customers.

Why does RedPrairie's Warehouse Management solution enable customers to achieve the best results? Because we have:

  • The most comprehensive task optimization technology, including the industry's only embedded 3D mapping – out-of-the-box!
  • The most mature SOA technology – proven in hundreds of production sites for over 10 years – enabling faster, less costly implementations, greater agility to meet changing business conditions, and lower total cost of ownership. For more information on RedPrairie's SOA technology.
  • The most industry experience – over 30 years helping leading manufacturers, distributors and retailers optimize their distribution networks.
  • The industry's only vision and technology for integrating and synchronizing operations from the retail store shelf back through extended supply networks. For more information on RedPrairie's E2e™ vision.

RedPrairie's Warehouse Management technology and services provide a comprehensive, RFID-enabled solution for distribution and inventory management covering:

By optimizing every move in the DC and across your extended supply network, operations run more smoothly, accurately and efficiently. Nothing is left to chance or the whims of individual workers. Workflow and throughput act like a well-oiled machine. This maximizes the value of your DC and produces the greatest return on your supply chain investment.

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Product Sheet: Warehouse Management Solutions