White Paper

Direct Part Marking: More Than Just A Code On A Surface

Source: Datalogic

Direct Part Marking (DPM) is a process for imprinting a bar code directly on an item or surface in a permanent manner instead of printing the code on a paper label that is adhered or attached to a surface. The intent is to create a permanent identifier for the item. In most applications, 2D bar codes are used in DPM technology.

The use of DPM technology is becoming increasingly popular in many applications as manufacturers are required to trace their products from beginning to end throughout the supply chain. This tracking ability needs to endure regardless of the size of the bar code, the surface material involved, or where a component might be shipped to on a global basis.

The main benefit of DPM technology is its durability. The permanent nature of the marking assures that the item can be identified throughout its full life cycle and throughout the supply chain, even while being exposed to harsh environmental conditions. Under such conditions, traditional codes printed on a label could not endure. In many cases, bar codes marked with DPM technology are used to identify and track unique items such as spare parts or components. Another important benefit of DPM technology is that it allows the marking of very small codes in limited spaces where a standard label cannot be applied in a reliable and stable mode.

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