White Paper

A Holistic Approach To Warehouse Optimization

Source: Syscom Plc

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White Paper: A Holistic Approach To Warehouse Optimization

Today's competitive pressures mean no one can afford for any part of their business to be operating sub-optimally. With manufacturing and distribution industries recognizing that every aspect of the supply chain can contribute to more profitable operating, the spotlight has inevitably fallen on the warehouse. The warehouse is an essential link between supply and demand. On the supply side there must be efficient handling, inventory management, product flow, transportation and delivery. From the demand point of view the warehouse must meet all customer-specific requirements quickly and with maximum flexibility. While it was previously viewed as far less important than sales or manufacturing, many companies are increasingly finding that an efficient, integrated warehouse – whether owned or third party – is a critical part of their success.

Business competition based on supply chain efficiency is becoming prominent in many markets, especially in the manufacturing and distribution sectors. "It is important that warehouses contribute strongly to supply chain excellence," says John Moses, Managing Director of Syscom PLC www.syscom.plc.uk, "and that businesses take advantage of what is out there to help ensure this." Specialist warehouse technology has been developed as one step on the path towards warehouse optimization. Companies can now make use of everything from wireless barcode scanners and Radio Frequency Identification RFID inventory tracking to voice directed picking. This can facilitate better use of space, reduced pick and put-away times and enable fast, consistent and accurate feedback without paper chasing.

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White Paper: A Holistic Approach To Warehouse Optimization